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Doughnut mobile - final.JPG

The MOONSHOT:CITY Collective is engaging with a number of organisations, businesses and government agencies to scope a pilot Regenerative Action Lab. This will be based on the Doughnut Economics Action Lab (DEAL) methodology first undertaken in Amsterdam; and the indigenous Māori doughnut model shown below.






















































Learn more about the indigenous doughnut here


A key partner in this endeavor is the Planetary Accounting Network (PAN). Planetary accounting is based on Planetary Quotas. These are limits for humankind that have been derived from the Planetary Boundaries, but which make sense at different scales from individual, and community, to businesses and sectors, to regions, cities, and nations.

Regen Lab Values and Principles

To reflect Aotearoa's cultural ancestry, the Regen Labs will be based on a foundation of immutable, indigenous Maori values and principles known as kawa which underpin the Takarangi framework.


The kawa have been developed by a group of Māori wayfinders including Teina Boasa-Dean and Johnnie Freeland who are currently refining them by engaging with Tangata Whenua.   


The pilot Regen Lab is currently in development by the MOONSHOT:CITY Collective, to be launched in 2021.

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